Harvey Jacobs Catering

(830) 632-2968

Family. Hard work. Doing right. These form the foundation upon which we are building a legacy — not only for our families, but for the area we grew up in. We lost our father when we were teenagers. His death left the family with no life insurance or savings. Our father spent a lot of time talking to us about right from wrong and respecting our mom and elders. He would talk to us about real life people and he would tell us to dream. Life was tough when tragedy struck, but it made us stronger and want to fight harder. No excuses. Our fate was our choice. Our mom, Karen, quit her job at Colonial Bakery and started an in-home daycare so she could be around us and and our younger brother, Josh, more. Every summer, she would take us camping at Neal’s Lodges. Five to six days, tents, Coleman stoves. Every summer. We learned to appreciate hard work by building farm structures with our grandparents and we both took jobs at an early age. We both worked at Lone Oak Grocery store in Adkins, where for five years and ran the meat market. It was our early experience in the meat market they eventually led to our passion of the restaurant and catering business. Giving back to the communities is something we take a great deal of pride in. We have both adopted the idea that giving as much as we can has rewarded us many times over in many ways. To be greedy or selfish creates heartaches and headaches. Do what’s right for others before yourself and no one can ever point a finger at you that you are unworthy of blessings or happiness.
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